smallhead BIGWISDOM
Rising your being
Why is Chinese New Year special?
It’s widely known that Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is special and doesn’t have a specific day like the Gregorian calendar: Every year is different!
Why do Asian people change their names?
Recently, the “cool trend” of many Asian people to change their names is increasingly becoming more popular. I can only speak about some citizens of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Singapore.
Do Chinese people eat frogs?
Before coming to China, I had the preconception that Chinese people used to eat whatever had any sign of life. That basically excluded only…
5 things to consider to work in China
Regardless what your current situation is or what the naysayers express, it is possible to work in China or anywhere in the world. Consider the followings five aspects:
Chinese people don’t greet because they are polite
Culture, habits, manners, preferences, are different and should be different from places to places; that way, we would have plenty of options to adopt the ones that resonate most on us.
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