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Premium Content
- Get access to online exercises to prepare for the DELE exam: Levels A1 and A2 only. (More information here.)
- Get access to Spanish Audios – 1100 cognates (similar words) between English and Spanish with examples (One time.)
- Get access to Spanish Audios of 150 Irregular verb conjugations (One time.)
- Get access to 1200 sentences of 12 Spanish Quizzes covering 12 Spanish verb tenses (each quiz has 100 sentences) with translations into English and answers (One time.)
- Download 45 PowerPoint Presentations to teach English (One time.)
- Request us to record (in MP3 format) in Spanish of up to 100 words per month (unlimited reviews of these 100 words.)
- Request us to translate editable texts from English into Spanish of up to 300 words per month on any topic (unlimited reviews of these 300 words.)
- Request us to proofread Spanish texts of up to 300 words per month on any topic (unlimited reviews of these 300 words.)
- Request us to transcribe Spanish audios and videos of up to 2 minutes per month (the source must have understandable quality.)
- Have 1 hour per month to practice conversation in Spanish with a native speaker of Spanish (via Skype.)
Most Popular
- Get access to online exercises to prepare for the DELE exam: Levels A1, A2, B1 and B2 only. (More information here.)
- Get access to Spanish Audios – 1100 cognates (similar words) between English and Spanish with examples (One time.)
- Get access to Spanish Audios of 150 Irregular verb conjugations (One time.)
- Get access to 1200 sentences of 12 Spanish Quizzes covering 12 Spanish verb tenses (each quiz has 100 sentences) with translations into English and answers (One time.)
- Download 45 PowerPoint Presentations to teach English (One time.)
- Request us to record (in MP3 format) in Spanish of up to 500 words per month (unlimited reviews of these 500 words.)
- Request us to translate editable texts from English into Spanish of up to 1000 words per month on any topic (unlimited reviews of these 1000 words.)
- Request us to proofread Spanish texts of up to 1000 words per month on any topic (unlimited reviews of these 1000 words.)
- Request us to transcribe Spanish audios and videos of up to 5 minutes per month (the source must have understandable quality.)
- Have 2 hours per month to practice conversation in Spanish with a native speaker of Spanish (via Skype.)
- Get access to online exercises to prepare for the DELE exam and for all Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. (More information here.)
- Get access to Spanish Audios – 1100 cognates (similar words) between English and Spanish with examples (One time.)
- Get access to Spanish Audios of 150 Irregular verb conjugations (One time.)
- Get access to 1200 sentences of 12 Spanish Quizzes covering 12 Spanish verb tenses (each quiz has 100 sentences) with translations into English and answers (One time.)
- Download 45 PowerPoint Presentations to teach English (One time.)
- Request us to record (in MP3 format) in Spanish of up to 1000 words per month (unlimited reviews of these 1000 words.)
- Request us to translate editable texts from English into Spanish of up to 2000 words per month on any topic (unlimited reviews of these 2000 words.)
- Request us to proofread Spanish texts of up to 2000 words per month on any topic (unlimited reviews of these 2000 words.)
- Request us to transcribe Spanish audios and videos of up to 10 minutes per month (the source must have understandable quality.)
- Have 4 hours per month to practice conversation in Spanish with a native speaker of Spanish (via Skype.)
There are Free Samples available here:
For any other request or questions, please Contact Us.
Get the book about 1100 English-Spanish Cognates!
Bonus: Audio pronunciations
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