About us



I am Jing, the cofounder of smallheadBIGWISDOM.com (shBW).

Welcome to our website! You have made a judicious decision to participate in this wonderful learning process.

I’m a language enthusiast who loves sharing ideas and helping people with self-development and language learning. I’m proficient in English, Spanish and my native language Mandarin Chinese.

I have completed my studies in Spanish literature and have been involved in multiple international projects and programs related to translation, interpretation, editorial consulting, and language training as well as in teaching programs to assist young adults and seniors with their communication and language skills by adopting technology and embracing modernization.

One of my ultimate goals is to travel around the world, interact and motivate people who are committed to transform their lives and learn new languages; therefore, I would love to share my personal experience with the purpose of providing them with guidance and encouragement towards making their aspirations a reality.

Traveling and studying in different countries and getting to know people from a variety of professions and cultural backgrounds have definitely transformed my perception towards education and community development, and at the same time, made me more proactive and passionate about acquiring new skills.

I would love to share my insights and experience with all of you through our platform.

Have fun!


I am Alejo, the cofounder of smallheadBIGWISDOM.com (shBW).


It is an extreme honor for me that you have taken the time to read this introduction. I promise it won’t take you long to let you know what I’ve got to say.

I have academic formation in Spanish, English, French and, in the transition to master Mandarin Chinese. In other words, I am a human being that is constantly looking for ways to improve himself in all the areas that you find on this promising website and I would like to enter in a reciprocal sharing mode with you.

In addition, you will be able to take advantage of my expertise to design killer presentations in multiple ways which in turn will help you to teach more effectively as well as other things, such as providing my traveling and technology advice.

With that being said, I would be dishonest if I told you that I haven’t made any mistakes; that can’t be any further from the truth. Nevertheless, it is actually the fact of experiencing failures that has allowed me to bring you the best of the best so that you don’t need to go through the same inconveniences that my human condition inevitably brings along.

Let’s keep evolving together!




I am Gaboch, the cofounder of smallheadBIGWISDOM.com (shBW).

I’m a motivator, teacher, writer, translator, system engineer and a teacher with fluency in Spanish and English, and in the process of learning Mandarin Chinese and French.

My vocation for teaching has been an innate trait, is my current passion and I am entirely committed to improve it in the years to come.

My main goal is to motivate kids and young people who are willing to engage themselves in this rapid-changing society, as well as helping adults to transform their current lives by providing them with useful information, resources and actionable mechanisms based on my own experience acquired by travelling to more than 30 countries in America, Europe and Asia.

Through my life journey, I have corroborated myself the quote that states: “Knowledge allows you to make a living; however, wisdom allows you to live.”

In connection with that, the best way to acquire wisdom is by sharing with others, thoughts, experiences, insights and ways to gradually but steadily enhance our inner beings.

The more I improve the more I realize the imperative need to continue growing, so without any delay, let’s start to mutually interact because I have a lot to learn from you as well!

Get the book about China!


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Get the book about All Prepositions in Spanish!

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Get the book about 1100 English-Spanish Cognates!

Bonus:  Audio pronunciations

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